The Book Thief

Welcome to our cyber literature circle: Post a total of 4 comments to include at least ONE category relevant connection--should include category (capitalize, bold, highlight or italicize), page, description of observation or question (what) & insight/ impact/link to argument (how/why) AND/OR at least ONE comment on another post. DO NOT repeat observations or connections, but OK to elaborate/connect to an observation or argument thread. Complete by midnite prior to due-date.

Monday, November 29, 2010


(pg.410-411) Dominoes and Darkness
"Are they taking him?" This is a quote taken from the scene were two Gestapo(Nazi workermen) arrived at Rudy's house to take him away. But his father rebeled againts them and this is a characteristic of modernism. This is also ironic in that rudys father ment well and wanted him safe but if he had gone he would ave been saved.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Pg. 307 (Death's Diary:1942)
"Forget the scythe, Goddamn it, I need a broom or a mop. And I need a vacation." This is clearly modernism due to the fact that one of the characteristics of modernism is untrustfull narrator. Apart from no one trusting death he is very conversatonal and simply talkative like and old companion. "I need a vacation." also shows just how uch death was at work also meaning that many people were dieing.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Structural Patterns: Simile

On pg.186 a simile is used,"Max stood up, like a struck match" this short sentence tells alot about the common Jew during Nazi Germany. The Jew in this case is Max. The simile tells how fast he got up after hearing noises, this shows that Max has become paranoid, sensible to almost any slight difference in his surroundings. Max had reason to fear because in reality germany was out in a massive witch hunt, capturing Jews. So the Authors arguement is that the fear was so great in many jews that it caused them to have fear fed behaviors.

Response To: Structural Patterns(Mitchell)

I failed to see it that way and now that I think about it, this is when Rudy drastically changed. After being "Baptised" he gets out of the water and surprisingly (pg.303) made a drastic change of mind to never "ask for her lips again...". This was sort of cleansing, like you said.

The ISM's: Modernism

In the novel The Book Thief, pg. 298 modernism make its appearance. One of the many characteristics of modernism is Revolt/Rebellion and Rudy Steiner all to well supports it. ""When was our Fuhrer born?"..."You can tell me.....don't be afraid." And Rudy how did he reply?..."Easter Monday"".This text clearly shows the rebellion Rudy demonstrated during his encounter with a higher official in Hitler Youths.