The Book Thief

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Monday, November 1, 2010

The ISM's: Modernism

In the novel The Book Thief, pg. 298 modernism make its appearance. One of the many characteristics of modernism is Revolt/Rebellion and Rudy Steiner all to well supports it. ""When was our Fuhrer born?"..."You can tell me.....don't be afraid." And Rudy how did he reply?..."Easter Monday"".This text clearly shows the rebellion Rudy demonstrated during his encounter with a higher official in Hitler Youths.


  1. I my opinion the repetition of "Fuhrer" is a symbol of a higher presence. Not always as a greater power, but as a symbol of respect and trust. The citizens of Germany seem to have a strong relationship with the "liking" or "approval" of the "Fuhrer" also a representation of modernism.

  2. *This Is Cole*
    I agree, Rudy is a great example of modernism. Not only in this part of the book but also in the Jesse Owens incident where he broke the mold by streaking through the race disguised as a black man (getting him in large amounts of trouble). And in the end, questioning the reason for his punishment, unaware of the predjucies at hand during that time.
